It is the parents’ responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions prior to registration. The Terms and Conditions contained herein are automatically applicable for all registrations made pitchside too.
• All applications must be accompanied by payment in full of the appropriate course/camp fee.
• If you are booking more than 1 participant, they should be only direct members of your family as this will affect the discount system where applicable. If it is found that a person is booked who isn’t part of your direct family then you will have to pay a supplementary fee.
• It is the parent’s responsibility to book the course/camp via Book Online on the website to guarantee the place of the child and receive the book online price. The course/camp should be booked online in plenty of time before the book online closes (see course/camp page for exact closing time). Once the course/camp closes it will disappear from the book online system. InterSoccer does not accept responsibility for those who have not managed to book their place on time due to any technical problems, forgotten username/password, etc. If you have not successfully secured a place online before closing for whatever reason, and if you want to join the course/camp you must pay the higher pitchside price as indicated on the course/camp page. It is not possible to pay for another course/camp on another day for the same price. If a course/camp is sold out, InterSoccer has the right to refuse admission for any pitchside registrations. If a family has accidentally booked the wrong course/camp, a change to another course/camp can be made if not already sold out- any price difference will need to be paid on the same day of that course/camp.
• Courses/Camps can be booked by Visa/MasterCard from anywhere in the world with internet connection- any International Visa or MasterCard can be used, not only Swiss ones.
• Joining at the pitch is also possible but only once Book Online is closed. Any child doing a trial at the start of the course/camp or paying pitchside must completely fill in the Pitchside Registration form to take part in the course/camp providing full contact information, emergency number, any medical conditions, insurance details, and signature. This is in accordance with Swiss Law and for health and safety reasons.
• Pitchside payments should be done by payment slip or bank transfer only, InterSoccer does NOT accept any cash payments. Payments slips are available pitchside from the Coach, some courses/camps have a payment terminal available, or the office can be contacted for payment by bank transfer (022 361 5155). Payment must be made on the same day as the participant joined the course/camps. Proof of payment must be given to the coach at the very next session in order to continue to participate- a copy should be sent to the office ( Anyone paying by payment slip or bank transfer must pay the pitchside price as advertised on the website, or as indicated by the coach or office on the day joining. If the book online price is paid instead of the pitchside price, the difference will have to be paid to InterSoccer.
• Courses- Those who have joined pitchside and have not completed payment within 2 weeks of joining will be sent a reminder from the office. After 1 month of non-payment, a 50CHF penalty fee per person will be applied. If payment has not been completed after 6 weeks of joining the course, InterSoccer will escalate the matter with the Office des Poursuites.
• Camps- Anyone joining a Camp pitchside must complete payment within the week. Non-payment after 1 week will incur a 25CHF penalty fee and after 3 weeks a 50CHF penalty fee for outstanding payment. If payment has not been completed after 6 weeks of joining the camp, InterSoccer will escalate the matter with the Office des Poursuites.
Birthday Party invoices are to be paid within 2 weeks of reception. After 1 month of non-payment, a 50CHF penalty fee will be applied. If payment has not been completed after 6 weeks of receiving the invoice, InterSoccer will escalate the matter with the Office des Poursuites.
• Clients claiming a discount which they are not entitled to (multiple children discount for children from different families, combination discounts applied to courses/camps for which they are not intended, etc.) will be required to repay the difference. After 1 month of non-payment, a 50CHF penalty fee will be applied. If payment has not been completed after 6 weeks of joining the course/camp, InterSoccer will escalate the matter with the Office des Poursuites.
• Please note that the family discount is applicable only when booking a full week of camp and is not valid for individual day bookings.
• Bookings can be cancelled if done 4 weeks (28 days) or more prior to the start date of the relevant course /camp/party. In these cases, a full refund can be accorded minus the CHF 20 administration charge per course/camp. For 1-day camps or other events, CHF 5 will be charged.
• For cancellations made between 15-27 days before the start of the course/camp/party, a full refund (minus administrative charge) is available subject to a CHF 30 administration overall charge. Additionally- CHF 20 for After School, Mini/Tot Soccer, Weekend Soccer per course, a CHF 20 per person/week for Mini Camp full week (5CHF for day camps), and CHF 60 per person/week for Summer Camps full
week (10CHF for day camps).
• For cancellations made between 8-14 days before the start of the course /camp/party, a 60% refund of the fee is possible, minus a CHF 30 per person administration charge for After School, Mini/Tot Soccer, per course/camp, a CHF 20 per person administration fee for Mini Camp full week (5CHF for day camps), and CHF 60 per person charge for Summer Camps full week (10CHF for day camps).
• There are no refunds for any cancellations made 7 days or less before the start of the course/camp/party. If you decide to cancel after the course has started, a refund is NOT possible.
• If you have never tried an InterSoccer After School, Weekend Soccer, or Mini/Tot Soccer course, it is possible to do a trial in the first few weeks of the course, before book online closes and if places are still available. If you do a trial, registration is only possible if the course is not already full. Please sign up immediately after a trial to continue with the course. (Please note trials are free if the course is not
then registered for but included in the price of the course for those who join). Trials are not possible for Camps.
• Modifications to the course/camp dates and/or the participant name can be made subject to a CHF 20 per booking administration charge.
• No refunds are available for missed sessions or illness. If your child is ill or has missed a session for an InterSoccer course /camp for any reason (i.e., arrived on course wrong day/week), a make-up day is not possible. Participants must do course/camp during allocated time and day, changing to days you are not registered for can overburden a coach on another day and creates safety issues. If a child is injured, a doctor’s note/certificate needs to be provided before the child can do a make-up session during the same term/holiday only to make up for the missed sessions. The issuance of credit only due to the long-term injury (more than 1 month) to the participant will be considered on a case-by-case basis once a doctor’s certificate is received. Anything less cannot be considered.
• All courses/camps, activities, venues, and travel arrangements are subject to change according to weather, programming, and a satisfactory level of numbers and ages of participants. InterSoccer may cancel any courses and/or modify any information.
Should InterSoccer have to cancel part of a course/camp, we will offer alternative dates (if available) for the participant to make up the missed time. If InterSoccer has to cancel a whole course/camp, then a full refund will be paid, or credit offered.
• If InterSoccer cancels a course/camp partway through (i.e., due to numbers not increasing to a level high enough to sustain a course/camp), a refund/credit will be offered from the finishing date of the course/camp.
• Given credits are valid only during 1 financial year or a maximum of 1 year counting from the date the decision has been made. Cancellation of coaching sessions / Weather / Covid
• The decision to cancel an After School / Mini Soccer session due to adverse weather will be made by the coaches in charge approximately 15 minutes before the start of the session, sooner if possible. From previous experience, weather can change at the last
minute, therefore before this cancellation may not be possible. InterSoccer will always endeavour to go ahead with the program despite bad weather- unless informed otherwise parents should assume the course goes ahead. Children should always have recommended clothing/equipment as stated in the course section especially rain jackets and warm clothing just in case.
• The same 15-minute rule generally applies to Day/Soccer Camps, Tournaments and other events organised by InterSoccer. However, where possible we will always endeavour to go ahead with the camp. At some venues indoor coaching is possible, however, please note that it is very difficult to find venues with indoor and outdoor options available, and last-minute changes may not be possible.
• If a participant misses the session (i.e., due to weather conditions) and InterSoccer still goes ahead with the session, a make-up day/refund/credit is not possible
• If a whole coaching session is officially cancelled due to the weather, whenever possible an additional session will be offered on another day. The make-up day should be taken during the same course or same holiday period. No cash refunds are offered
• If a course or a camp gets put on hold due to Covid, each household will be granted a pro-rated credit for the sessions which will be missed, once the situation is clear on how many those will be. Those credits will have no restriction in time and can be used for booking a course, camp, or a birthday party
• The parents are responsible to arrange the transport of their child(ren) to and collecting from, the facility being used for the course/camp times specified. Parents should ensure that their child(ren) is/are not left stranded after soccer at the pitch. When a child is collected by an adult, other than the parent, a Child Consent Collection Form must be completed by the parents before allowing another person to legally collect the child and the coach should be informed.
• Children should be dropped off before the start of the course/camp and collected at the designated time at the end of the course/camp. In the unlikely event that soccer is cancelled due to very adverse weather conditions, parents will be expected to be available to collect their children and should check with the coach whether the course/camp may be cancelled before leaving their children at the pitch. Generally, all
courses/camps will go ahead in case of bad weather.
• InterSoccer is responsible for the children on the pitch from the announced drop-off time until the end of the course /camp as the time stipulates on the InterSoccer website. Parents must be present at the end of the course/camp at the latest to pick up
their children at the pitch. InterSoccer cannot be held responsible for children after the session has ended.
• Parents are responsible for checking course/camp dates/times and when the course has holidays (all dates and holidays on the course page on, and for checking that a coach is at the pitch so that they can register children. Parents should always check that coach is at the pitch before leaving their child.
• Parents should ensure that children, especially those under 8, wait at the pitch until the person designated to collect them has arrived. Children 8 and over should wait at the pitch unless the parents have informed the coaches of alternative arrangements.
• Parents are responsible to supply a valid emergency phone contact during the registration period, especially if joining pitchside or when doing a free trial.
• InterSoccer will not be responsible at any time for any child(ren) registered without a valid emergency number. If a parent has left their child for a trial, not pre-paid online, or paid pitchside, the Parent must fill in the Pitchside Registration Form. This is in
accordance with Swiss Law and for health and safety reasons and must be done even if the child has taken part in an InterSoccer course/camp previously.
Children must be picked up at the end time of the course/camp, as stated on the website. Any late pick up will be charged a fee of 20CHF per 30 minutes after the end time. Coaches are unable to leave the pitch until all children have been picked up. Even if the Late Pick-up option is added for a Summer camps registration, the above penalties will apply for a pick-up after 18h00.
• Players must have soccer boots/trainers or some form of sports shoes for all courses/camps and should be suitably attired in shorts/shirt/ tracksuit etc., jeans should not be worn. All players 7 and over should have shin guards, for children aged 6 and under this is not obligatory but advisable. Players should have warm clothing (in case of cold weather) and a rain jacket (in case of light rain). A change of kit for All Day Camps is advised in case of bad weather. If in doubt regarding footwear/clothing, please check with a coach. Water bottles should be brought to courses /camps to help hydrate the participant and caps and sun cream should be used during hot weather. All clothing/equipment should be clearly labelled with the family name.
• In warm/hot weather conditions parents are responsible for making sure their children are properly protected including putting sun cream on before arrival and leaving sun cream in the child’s bag if the event is an all-day event. Equipping children with a hat/gloves is also a good idea when cold weather is predicted.
• Many Swiss Sports facilities do not have indoor coaching areas, but at a minimum in case of extreme weather for 1-5 Day Camps, InterSoccer will offer a covered area where participants will have the opportunity to take part in organised fun games/quizzes/tactical analysis depending on their age group during 1-5 Day Camps.
• Parents warrant that the participant is physically fit and able to participate in sporting activities. Parents accept all risks resulting from their child(ren)’s participation in the course/camp.
• InterSoccer may require additional information depending on the medical information supplied to us by parents before we can accept your booking.
• Parents authorize InterSoccer to arrange for any appropriate basic first aid if necessary, should a participant need medical attention during any course/camp.
• InterSoccer does not accept responsibility for any personal injury or death nor the loss of / damage to property. We strongly recommend you take out personal possessions and health insurance for our courses/camps if you do not already have.
• Parents are responsible to bear the cost of any property or facility damage caused by themselves or any participant(s) they have booked on the course/camp.
If the late pick-up option has been added for a camp (pick up between 1700-1800), pick up should not be later than 1800. If pick up is after 1800 then an additional charge of 25chf will be applied per day. If repeated, then late pickups for the rest of the week will be terminated. For the last hr between 1700-1800, this will generally be a cooling down period and not playing football on the pitch (activity books, quizzes with an InterSoccer coach, etc). Families who turn up after 1700 who have not registered for the late pick up will be charged for the extra hour 25chf.
InterSoccer does not accept children at camps who are still wearing nappies if they are not always accompanied by an adult. All children must be toilet trained and able to use a toilet without coaches’ supervision. Coaches have the right to refuse a child from joining a camp if they judge the above is not complied with.
• InterSoccer treats the safety and wellbeing of all participants attending our courses/camps as a priority. Therefore, InterSoccer reserves the right to remove from any courses/camp without refund any participant who is found bullying, behaving in a way that may be disruptive or a danger to others. InterSoccer expects all participants to adhere to the rules of good sportsmanship and to abstain from abusive language.
• Places on all courses /camps are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. InterSoccer reserves the right to refuse admission if you do not pay online and turn up on the day of the course/camp/event if it is sold out. If places are still available on
course/camp day, InterSoccer has the right to charge a supplementary admission (pitchside price) which should be paid by end of the day at the latest if a camp, or within 24 hours if term time course (i.e., Mini Soccer, After School, Weekend Soccer, etc.)
• Only participants who book online will be available for discounts for courses/camps. If you turn up on the day and do not book online, then this will not count towards a discount for other courses/camps.
• InterSoccer Booking Online will send an acknowledgment email upon booking to confirm acceptance or not of your booking- please make sure your email address is correct on the book online registration. If you do not receive an acknowledgment email within 1-2 days of placing your booking or within 5 days of the course/camp, please check your spam/junk email and thereafter email us.
• Parents grant InterSoccer the worldwide right in perpetuity, without approval or compensation, to use the participant’s name, photographic or video image, or likeness for the InterSoccer website gallery or/and reasonable commercial purposes. Any parents wishing no photos of their children to be taken should contact the office in writing prior to the start of the camp or course.
• Any video images or photographs taken of the sessions by parents or anyone not approved by InterSoccer must be pre-approved by the Head Coach. These images or photographs can only be used for private purposes if taken.
• The disclosure or use of any aspect of InterSoccer courses/camps for any commercial purposes, by anyone, is strictly forbidden.
• Any prizes won need to be used for the season/holiday period for which the prize was issued. All prizes are non-transferable and there is no cash alternative.
• These terms and conditions and all InterSoccer bookings shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, Swiss law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Swiss Courts of Geneva.
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